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- Principal’s Report
- A Different Way of Working
- Congratulations Mia 9C
- Subject in Focus - Psychology and Sociology
- Head Prefects Profiles
- Tamar Rowing Club
- Attendance EdSmart
- Attendance – Leaving school early
- Reminder of what your child should do if feeling unwell
- Grade 10 Leadership Morning Tea & Assembly
- Join Riverside Scouts
- Share your world Become a Foster Carer
Dear Parents/Guardians
I would like to start this newsletter with an expression of thanks and gratitude.
To the families who attended our Year 7 Meet and Greet Barbecue on Tuesday; the Prefects who coordinated parking and the Student Mentors for cooking the barbecue and supporting our Year 7 students as they transition to high school. The evening provided an opportunity for Year 7 families to meet the leadership and teaching team and to ask any questions they may have in relation to starting high school. Students were also able to show their families their classrooms.

Home Group Welcome Letters 2025
Grade Teams have posted a letter home to all families providing important information which relates specifically to the grade teaching team, contact details and learning program. Please feel free to contact your child’s Home Group teacher if you have questions or concerns in relation to school.
Riverside Rippers
Congratulations to our students in Years 7 to 10 who have already received a ‘Riverside Ripper’, The award recognises students who have displayed the school values of Connection, Courage, Growth, Respect, Responsibility. The Riverside Ripper awards are published fortnightly and promoted through our Student Bulletin.
Leadership Induction Assembly 2025
On Thursday we presented the Prefect Board of 2025 with their badges and formally introduced the board and their roles to the school community. The Student Mentors who work closely with the Year 7 students also received their badge from their Year 7 Home Group representatives.
Congratulations to William and Lucy who are our Head Prefects for 2025.

At Riverside we understand the importance of student leadership, student voice, and student decision-making in our school community. Student leadership is not just about holding titles or positions; it's about taking initiative, being responsible, and making a positive impact. When students step into leadership roles, they learn valuable skills such as communication, organization, and problem-solving. These skills are not only essential for personal growth but also for future success in any career path.
Equally important is the concept of student voice. When students are given the opportunity to express their opinions and contribute to decision-making processes, they feel more engaged and invested in their education. This sense of ownership can lead to higher motivation and better academic outcomes. Moreover, listening to student feedback helps us create a more inclusive and responsive school environment. Our student leadership boards at Riverside provide a structure for our school to collect student feedback, for students to be involved in decision making processes that contribute to developing a sense of connection and positive school culture.
Riverside High School has Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, and Year 10 Student Councils, a Peer Mentor Program and a Transition Mentor Team. All groups work closely with the Prefect Board who have roles which align to the School Improvement Plan. Mr Rob Lee is the Perfect Coordinator for 2025, Mr James Bearwood is the Peer Mentor Leader and Ms Karen Dudley is the Transition Mentor Coordinator.
Prefect Board 2025 Positions
Lucy W | Head Prefect |
William W | Head Prefect |
Amy L | Deputy Head Prefect - Learning / Treasurer |
Jaelyn H | Deputy Head Prefect - Community / Secretary |
James W | Deputy Head Prefect – Wellbeing |
Bonnie H | Learning Portfolio Prefect |
Nandali A | Learning Portfolio Prefect |
Flynn G | Learning Portfolio Prefect |
Angus R | Learning Portfolio Prefect |
Charlie S | Learning Portfolio Prefect |
Emerson T | Community Portfolio Prefect |
Beatrix W | Community Portfolio Prefect |
Brodie M | Community Portfolio Prefect |
James G | Community Portfolio Prefect |
Ava G | Community Portfolio Prefect |
Gregor T | Community Portfolio Prefect |
Tori E | Wellbeing Portfolio – Forrest House Prefect |
Benjamin C | Wellbeing Portfolio – Forrest House Prefect |
Willem F | Wellbeing Portfolio – Kingsford-Smith House Prefect |
Olive N | Wellbeing Portfolio – Kingsford-Smith House Prefect |
James L | Wellbeing Portfolio – Lawson House Prefect |
Isabel M | Wellbeing Portfolio – Lawson House Prefect |
Chilli H | Wellbeing Portfolio – Monash House Prefect |
Mitchell M | Wellbeing Portfolio – Monash House Prefect |
2025 Peer Mentors
Gabriella C | Himani C |
Tahla-May D | Hailee F |
Ethan F | Maddison G |
Jontay H | Tayah H |
Sienna H | Hudson K |
Ariana L | Keelan O-Q |
Holly P | Gemma P |
Olivia Q | Maya R |
Sophie S | Sarah S |
Phoebe S | Harry T |
Aidan T | Milly V |
Cyelle W |
School Parking for Visitors and Parent/Guardians
At the end of the school day, we have a large amount of traffic in the school grounds. A reminder to parents and guardians to drive slowly and please ensure you are parking in the dedicated parking bays only and that you are not obstructing buses. The school buses must be able to enter and exit the turning circles to ensure they collect and drop off students at the allocated times. Your understanding is appreciated.
State and National Representation
Riverside High School often has students who represent the state in academic, sports or arts and cultural events. We would love to continue to recognise and celebrate our currently enrolled students in our newsletter with photos where appropriate. Please inform the administration office if you and your child are willing to share their success in our newsletter. We love photos!
‘Real Schools’ 2025
Riverside High School has partnered with Real Schools for 2025. Please see attached introduction to Real Schools and what it means for Riverside High School and our school priorities of Quality Teaching and Learning and Wellbeing for Learning.
Jeanna Bolton
Over the Christmas holidays Mia 9C was fortunate enough to represent Tasmania in two sporting events.
From 28th December until 3rd January, she was co-captain of the Tasmanian team in the 61st Australian Sabot National Titles at Drummoyne Sailing Club in Sydney. Sailing in a large fleet of over 60 boats was a new challenge and she gained valuable experience on navigating around many boats and in such a busy waterway.
From the 11th to 14th January Mia travelled to Canberra to compete with the U/14 Tasmanian Indoor Hockey Team. This was the first time Tasmania have sent a team to the U/14 tournament, and they managed to win their last game, allowing them to finish in 7th position.

Subject in Focus - Psychology and Sociology
So far this term, Psychology and Sociology students have been diving into the fascinating world of human behaviour and mental processes. We started with an introduction about what Psychology is all about and what areas of specialisations exist within both Psychology and Sociology. Students are about to begin planning, researching and creating a podcast acting as experts in one of these chosen fields.
The next unit, will see students analysing various types of research methods used in Psychology, such as experiments, case studies, and surveys, and learning how these methods contribute to understanding the complexities of the human mind.
Additionally, we will delve into topics like brain function, mental health, memory, perception, and learning and conduct interactive activities that demonstrate how these psychological processes work in real-world scenarios.
We are looking forward to a great year, of sparking curiosity, and inspiring deeper thought about the mind and human behaviour!
Georgia Rolls
Hello everyone, we are Lucy and William your Head Prefects for 2025. We want to thank all of you on behalf of the entire Prefect Board for your amazing start to the year. As a board we have many outstanding ideas that we will be sharing with you all in the coming weeks.
Within our school walls, we are determined to enhance engagement between the junior and senior schools, getting to know each other better and making new connections. We have planned to include all Grade Councils and junior house assistants to help us generate that cohesive atmosphere, built around camaraderie. This is our biggest objective for the upcoming terms. A part of this focus is strengthening our relationship with all our feeder primary schools, through sharing experiences developing a connection with younger grades, making high school feel a less daunting.
My name is Lucy, and I am honoured to serve as Head Prefect alongside William, who shares this distinguished role with me. Achieving this position has been a cherished goal for both of us from a young age, and we are eagerly anticipating the exciting opportunities this year will bring. We are immensely proud to represent our exceptional school and its talented students.
Outside of school, we are dedicated individuals who thrive on staying active and engaged. I have a deep passion for playing and coaching basketball at a high level, while William is deeply involved in playing and coaching soccer. Both of us are committed to exploring new passions and experiences every day, whether on the court, on the field or spending quality time with family and friends.
Our journey as leaders began with our first public speaking opportunities at primary school assemblies, and it has continued to grow ever since. The aspiration to become Head Prefects was ignited when we received our respective leadership roles in Grade 6. Since then, we have been committed to helping others and experiencing the rewarding sense of accomplishment that comes with leadership. This year, we aim not only to support individuals but also to foster a strong sense of community within our school.
Lucy & William
On Saturday, 22nd and Sunday 23rd February, Piper, Lizzie, Louis and Johnny competed at the Tasmanian All Schools Rowing Champions held at the Lake Barrington International Rowing Course.
These athletes competed in Quads, Doubles and Singles, aiming to stay dry, gain confidence and improve our times.
Our group was fortunate to be included by larger schools in crew boats, which allowed them to race in their own age groups.
The season has now finished as our coaches are turning their focus to Australian National Championships.
In Term 2, please keep an eye out for our ‘come try’ sessions, all are welcome.
We would like to thank the Tamar Rowing Club and our Coaches, Chris Symons and Alan Howard.
We are very proud of our Athletes and thank them for giving our sport a go.
We are looking forward to building our Riverside crews for next season.
Carmen Howard (Junior Coach & Coordinator)
At Riverside High School, student attendance and safety are a high priority. If your child is absent or late, could you please phone our school office or send a note as all lateness and absence must be explained. This is a legal requirement by the Department for Education, Children and Young People.
We have changed our platforms in line with DECYP requirements for parent communication. Please be patient with us during this transition period.
Riverside High School will no longer be using MGM text messaging, please delete the mobile number used in previous years, we have moved to EdSmart Multichannel Messaging System.
EdSmart Multichannel Messaging solution sends notifications to the parent/guardian after 9:30am advising that their child has been marked as absent and requesting a response advising us of the reason for the absence and an estimated return to school date.
As the Parent/ Guardian you can quickly respond by clicking on the EdSmart Absentee Slip link within the body of the notification and submitting the form or contacting the school office on 6327 6333 or sending a note explaining the absence.
How to contact us:
Phone: 6327 6333
SZapp (Schoolzine) notifications
EdSmart via a link that you will receive if your child is absent
Attendance – Leaving school early
What should you do if your child needs to leave school early?
Students are required to sign out at the Student Admin Counter if they have to leave school early for any reason. Communication from parents/guardians can be via:
- Phoning the Administration Office which is open between 8:00am – 4:00pm
(6327 6333)
- Using the Schoolzine App.
- Sending an email to either the Home Group teacher or our school email address
- When LEAVING our school for an appointment, students must have a green leave form which has been signed by Admin Staff and an Assistant Principal.
- The Leave Pass is preferably completed before school and must be left with a member of our Admin Team at the time of leaving.
- The student must also sign out at the time of departure.
- Students who sign out for appointments should sign back in at the Student Admin Counter on their return.
Following this process ensures that students meet their parents for collection promptly without interrupting classes.
Reminder of what your child should do if feeling unwell
If a student is feeling unwell or injured, the correct procedure is for them to get a signed pass from their teacher to go to the Admin office and ask for First Aid assistance. The First Aid officer will then determine if the student is well enough to stay at school or needs to go home. The First Aid officer will then contact parents/carers if the student needs to go home.
Could parents/carers please discourage their child from messaging or calling home during class time instead of going to First Aid.