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- Principal’s Report
- Real Schools What is Partnership
- Passenger conduct code for school bus services
- Administration Office Hours
- Communication
- School Learning Uniform
- Student Validation, ICT, Excursion & Medical Forms
- 2025 Term Dates
- Attendance EdSmart
- Attendance – Leaving school early
- Reminder of what your child should do if feeling unwell
- Health and Physical Education (HPE)
- Riverside High School: One-to-One Device Program
- Swimming Carnival 2025
- Breakfast Club 2025
- Manions’ Bus Stop Changes
- Volleyball Junior Development Program
- Beaconsfield Youth Centre
- Launceston Junior Football Club
- Elphin Junior Badminton Come & Try
- Join Riverside Scouts
Dear Parents/Guardians
I am delighted to welcome you all to a new school year at Riverside High School. It has been an incredibly positive start, and I am excited to share some of the highlights from the first two weeks.
Our students have returned with great enthusiasm and a strong commitment to learning. In our first whole school assembly, I thanked our students for wearing their full school learning uniform, which was also highlighted in our Head Prefects first address to the school.
Our Head Prefects, Will and Lucy, introduced themselves, their role and welcomed new families and Year 7 students to Riverside High School. For 2025, we have approximately 124 Year 7 students enrolled, and we have a class of 10 Year 11 students studying VET Civil Constructions on a Tuesday again in partnership with Tas Tafe.
Students have made a very positive start in their classes. Teachers have focused on creating learning routines and orderly learning environments where students are explicitly taught the expectations in the different subject areas and where positive working relationships with peers and teachers are established.
Thank you to our School Business Manager, Cynthia Pearce, for coordinating a number of maintenance projects over the school holidays; one being moving the Year 7 and 8 lockers into classrooms to reduce congestion in the junior school corridor. Thank you to our Administration Team and EFA’s who have been busy preparing the school for students and their return. Thank you to Sue Purcell for volunteering her time again to coordinate our school uniform sales and our Prefects and Peer Mentors who assisted with the stationery distribution and orientation of Year 7 students on Wednesday, 5th February.
Our dedicated teachers have been working tirelessly to ensure a smooth start to the school year. They have also participated in Professional Learning sessions focused on student wellbeing and restorative practices. Riverside High School has partnered with Real Schools for 2025. Please see the attached introduction to Real Schools and what it means for Riverside High School and school priorities of Quality Teaching and Learning and Wellbeing for Learning.
As we move forward, we remain committed to providing supportive and stimulating environments for all our students. We have many exciting events and activities planned for the coming months, and we encourage everyone to get involved and make the most of these opportunities. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Together, we can make this school year a memorable and successful one for all our students and families.
The school public calendar can be found at
Year 7 Barbecue for families 4:30-6:00pm – Tuesday, 25th February
Leadership Induction Assembly – Thursday, 20th February 10:40am School Gymnasium
Launceston Cup (Student Free Day) – Wednesday, 26th February
Riverside High School Swimming Carnival – Thursday, 6th March
Whole School Photo Day – Friday, 28th February
Long Weekend – Monday, 10th March
NAPLAN Year 7 and 9 will be held from the 12th - 24th March
Welcome to our New Staff
We are delighted to welcome the following teachers to Riverside High School for 2025:
Chelsea Clarke - HPE and HASS
Mark Glover - English
Sam Woodley - Science
School Parking for Visitors and Parent/Guardians
At the end of the school day, we have a large volume of traffic in the school. A reminder to parents and guardians to drive slowly and please ensure you are parking in the dedicated parking bays only and that you are not obstructing buses. The school buses must be able to enter and exit the turning circle to ensure they collect and drop off students at the allocated times. Your understanding is appreciated.
State and National Representation
Riverside High School often has students who represent the state in academic, sporting, artistic and cultural events. We would love to continue to recognise and celebrate our currently enrolled students in our newsletter with photos where appropriate. Please inform the administration office if you and your child are willing to share their success in our newsletter. We love photos!
Reminders –
A reminder to students that chewing gum and energy drinks are not permitted at school or when walking through the Primary School at the beginning and end of the school day.
Home Group starts at 8:45am. Please ensure your child is at school in time for Home Group each day.
Leadership Teams 2025
Year 7 Team
Mr Ben Gadsby - Year 7 Assistant Principal
Ms Kelly Greatbatch, Miss Melissa de Jong, Mr Samuel Rainbird Year 7 Grade Leaders
Mr Tim Elliott - AST HPE Curriculum
Year 8 Team
Mr Darren Hanson - Year 8 Assistant Principal
Ms Jo Faulkner - AST Student Support, Miss Karen Dudley - AST Grade Leader and Mr Adam Sanders - AST Grade Leader
Ms Kylie Jago - Instructional Coach AST Junior School
Year 9 Team
Mr Adrian Smith - Year 9 Assistant Principal
Mrs Coleen Elliott - AST Grade Leader and Miss Emma Groves - Grade Leader
The Administration office is open from Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Effective communication between our school and families is important in achieving successful education outcomes for every student.
Schoolzine: There are a number of modes of effective communication, Schoolzine is our main online communication tool and includes our newsletter, school calendar and our APP, SZapp. Schoolzine provides a range of handy communication tools that you can use and it will make our communication very easy and accessible for you.
Our school website provides an introduction to our school for those wanting general information Through the website you are able to connect to our Facebook page and Schoolzine.
Facebook/Instagram: this is up to date and regular news and information that focuses on celebration, school activities and events along with urgent sharing of information. / @riversidehighschooltas
Newsletter: this is our main celebration and communication of student/school achievements, events and news. Our regular features include Subject in Focus and Sport in Focus (winter). This is published every second Friday through Schoolzine. Please note that Rippers have a separate tab and are published fortnightly.
Public Calendar (Schoolzine): This is updated daily with excursions, school events, assemblies and celebrations.
Home Group: Every student is a member of a grade-based home group. The teacher in charge of that group, the Home Group Teacher, is the parents/carers first point of contact with our school and can be contacted through our Admin Office or via email or a note.
Other members of staff: Admin Team, Subject Teachers, Grade Leaders, ASTs on the Grade, School Nurse, School Chaplain, School Psychologist, Social Worker, Assistant Principals, or the Principal may be contacted by phone, letter or email depending on the nature of the concern or the information required. Please note that between 8:45am and 3:10pm the teaching staff are involved with the learning program. Appointments may be made by contacting our Admin Team.
Contact by teachers: Where there is a matter of concern, teachers may contact home by phone, email or letter. The purpose of such contact is to inform parent/carers of matters concerning their child’s progress and welfare and to seek parental support in resolving issues and helping the child.
Messages for students: Our school is large and complex and staff are always busy. It is only possible to pass on urgent messages to students. We ask that appointments and other family arrangements be made before students leave for school.
Annual school magazine: Our school magazine ‘Panta Rei’ is a publication providing a special record of significant events and school programs. Orders and payment to be made via QKR App early Term 4.
Parent/teacher evenings: An informal ‘meet-the-teacher’ session will be held one evening early in the year for parents/carers of Grade Sevens and more formal sessions will be scheduled following the issuing of reports in Term 1 and Mid-Year; however, please do not hesitate to contact teachers when you have a query. There is no need to wait for the formal parent/teacher evenings.
Report on student progress: Our school has a comprehensive reporting program. Reports are issued three times each year. The Term 1 report, issued around Easter, gives a general indication of the student’s start to the academic year, while the Mid-Year reports provide a more detailed assessment. The Parent/Teacher/Student interviews follow Term 1 and Mid-Year reports. The Term 4 report provides a summary of achievement for the year. Actual dates for the issuing of reports will be published in our school newsletter.
The purpose of the Riverside High School Student Dress Code and Uniform Policy is to promote social equity in terms of clothing, ensuring that students are safe, easy to identify and enhancing a sense of pride within our school. Ito support the Uniform Policy through clearly outlining the school’s expectations and standards with regards to personal presentation. Our Uniform Shop is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings 8:30am to 11:00am. Please communicate with us if you require support with uniform.
Student Validation, ICT, Excursion & Medical Forms
These forms are due to the Riverside High School Administration Office at your earliest convenience, we thank all the families that have already returned these forms. It is extremely important these are returned to ensure we have the latest contact details and medical information. These forms also allow the students to participate in excursions, swimming and athletics carnivals. If you have not received these forms, please contact the Administration Office on 6327 6333 and we will reprint them for you.
Term 1 | Thursday, 06 February |
to Friday, 11 April (All Grades) |
Term 2 | Monday, 28 April |
to Friday, 04 July |
Term 3 |
Monday, 21 July |
to Friday, 26 September |
Term 4 |
Monday, 13 October |
to Thursday, 18 December |
At Riverside High School, student attendance and safety are a high priority. If your child is absent or late, could you please phone our school office or send a note as all lateness and absence must be explained. This is a legal requirement by the Department for Education, Children and Young People.
We have changed our platforms in line with DECYP requirements for parent communication. Please be patient with us during this transition period.
Riverside High School will no longer be using MGM text messaging, please delete the mobile number used in previous years, we have moved to EdSmart Multichannel Messaging System.
EdSmart Multichannel Messaging solution sends notifications to the parent/guardian after 9:30am advising that their child has been marked as absent and requesting a response advising of the reason for the absence and an estimated return to school date.
The Parent/ Guardian can quickly respond by clicking on the EdSmart Absentee Slip link within the body of the notification and submitting the form or contacting the school office on 6327 6333 or sending a note explaining the absence.
How to contact us:
Phone: 6327 6333
SZapp (Schoolzine) notifications
EdSmart via a link that you will receive if your child is absent
Attendance – Leaving school early
What should you do if your child needs to leave school early?
Students are required to sign out at the Student Admin Counter if they have to leave school early for any reason. Communication from parents/guardians can be via:
- Phoning the Administration Office which is open between 8:00am – 4:00pm (6327 6333)
- Using the Schoolzine App.
- Sending an email to either the Home Group teacher or our school email address
- When LEAVING our school for an appointment, students must have a green leave form which has been signed by Admin Staff and an Assistant Principal.
- The Leave Pass is preferably completed before school and must be left with a member of our Admin Team at the time of leaving.
- The student must also sign out at the time of departure.
- Students who sign out for appointments should sign back in at the Student Admin Counter on their return.
Following this process ensures that students meet their parents for collection promptly without interrupting classes.
Reminder of what your child should do if feeling unwell
If a student is feeling unwell or injured, the correct procedure is for them to get a signed pass from their teacher to go to the Admin office and ask for First Aid assistance. The First Aid officer will then determine if the student is well enough to stay at school or needs to go home. The First Aid officer will then contact parents/carers if the student needs to go home.
Could parents/carers please discourage their child from messaging or calling home during class time instead of going to First Aid.
Health and Physical Education (HPE)
On behalf of the Health and Physical Education (HPE) staff, we would like to extend a warm welcome to all Riverside High families as we begin another exciting year.
As we kick off the year, we would like to take this opportunity to remind students of our uniform expectations. It is important that students come to school in their learning uniform each day and change into the appropriate attire for all HPE lessons. This ensures a safe and focused environment for everyone. We ask that students refrain from using spray deodorants and leave valuables at home, as they are not permitted in the change rooms.
This year, we have made a change to our timetable to help improve the experience for all students. Fewer classes will be using the change rooms at any given time, which will make getting changed more comfortable and efficient for everyone. Your child has been provided with their Term 1 timetable.
We are looking forward to an engaging year of physical activity and health learning and appreciate your continued support in helping students meet these expectations.
Tim Elliott
Head of HPE
Riverside High School: One-to-One Device Program
2025 is the start of an exciting year for our school where every student and teacher have an iPad to enhance and support their learning experience. At Riverside High School we take an approach to learning which combines direction instruction teaching with technology elements that allow students to engage with content in a variety of ways and paces.
iPad Distribution:
To receive their iPad, students will need to return their ‘School Validation Forms’ by Friday, 14th February.
Students in Grades 8 - 10 who have returned their validation forms will receive their iPad on Monday, 17th February from their Home Group Teacher.
In preparation for our blended learning approach, Grade 7 students will participate in an iPad familiarisation workshop led by our iPad coordinator Miss Males alongside their Home Group Teachers to build their school specific iPad skills during Week 3.
Ready for Learning:
It is the responsibility of students to be prepared for learning by having their iPad fully charged at the beginning of each day. We encourage families to set up routines at home to support students to be ready for learning.
This is an exciting opportunity to enhance the already rigorous learning programs at our school pushing the envelope of teaching practices and continuing to provide highly engaging, supportive and differentiated learning environment.
Lillian Males
iPad Coordinator
Our school Swimming Carnival is being held at the Launceston Aquatic Centre on Thursday, 6th March. The Swimming Carnival is a part of our school program and therefore, it is a requirement that all students attend on the day. There are many fun, non-competitive novelty events, the water slide, and traditional swimming events planned to allow students of all abilities and experience the opportunity to participate in the carnival.
Students are asked to make their own way to the Launceston Aquatic Centre by 8:35am. Once at the Aquatic Centre, students are required to move directly to the pool area, via the back entrance, to meet with their Home Group teachers to have their attendance taken.
Students who normally travel to school on the Manion’s bus service from areas such as Legana, Bridgenorth, Gravelly Beach and Grindelwald, along with students who have no other way of making their own way to and from the Aquatic Centre themselves, will have the opportunity to catch a bus from Riverside High School to the Launceston Aquatic Centre in the morning and back again to the school at the end of the day.
Buses will leave Riverside High School at approximately 8:35am and return to school, leaving the Launceston Aquatic Centre at 2:40pm, to allow students to catch their normal school buses home at 3:10pm.
If you anticipate your child will need to catch the bus from school to the pool in the morning and/or from the pool to school again at the end of the day, please return a signed permission slip to the office by Friday, 28th February.
Adam Sanders
Head of Sport
Volleyball Junior Development Program
The Volleyball Tasmania Junior Development Program is back for another exciting year in 2025 in Launceston. It’s open to Year 7-12 students and caters for all levels of experience, ranging from beginners to advanced athletes. Sessions are held in the Newstead College gym on Tuesdays (beginner and intermediate) and Wednesdays (advanced), starting February 11th and 12th respectively. Sessions are open to all students and are run by experienced, accredited coaches.
Sessions will occur each week during school terms and players are welcome to come and participate in up to three sessions for free. If they want to continue, membership is $330 for the year, which includes court hire and equipment, registration, 38 plus training sessions with accredited coaches, and a training top. New participants are very welcome. For students or parents seeking further information about the program, please contact the JDP manager, Adrien Ickowicz, by email
Volleyball is a fantastic indoor sport that’s played by approximately 800 million people worldwide. It’s an Olympic sport and there are a lot of opportunities to play at all levels.