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- Principal’s Report
- 2025 Term Dates
- Presentation Evening Award Recipients
- Presentation Evening sponsors for 2024
- 2024 Dux of Riverside High School – Hannah
- Farewell to our Graduands
- Grade 7 Celebration Assembly
- Grade 8 Celebration Assembly
- Grade 9 Celebration Assembly
- Grade 10 Graduation Dinner Photos
- National F1 in Schools Final in Adelaide
- School Levies and Charges Policy 2024 - 2025
- 2025 East Coast Youth Leadership Challenge
Dear Parents/Guardians
This week marked a significant milestone in the lives of our Grade 10 students as they prepare to step into the next chapter. They have been a wonderful group of students that stands out for its unique blend of achievements, camaraderie, and for significant growth not just academically but socially and emotionally. There's a sense of unity and support amongst the group with many friendships having developed that will last a lifetime. The group has worked together to celebrate each other's successes and helped one another through challenges. The group this week showcased a wide range of talents, from sports and arts to science and technology. The 2024 graduands are a wonderful group of students who have enriched the life of our school in many ways, and we wish them well for their future and look forward to hearing about their progress over coming years.
Riverside High School’s Presentation Evening was held on Wednesday, 11th December in the school gymnasium. The evening recognised and highlighted the outstanding achievements of students in Years 7 to 10. Our school would like to thank the special guests, donors, sponsors, business and industry representatives and our families for supporting the evening. The award recipients from our Presentation Evening are listed in this week’s newsletter.
Last week I was able to attend the Associate Primary School Presentation Assemblies along with our Prefect representatives as special guests. Riverside High School supports our Associate Primary Schools, sponsoring students who are enrolling at our school. Students are awarded for displaying our school values in their time at Primary School. Congratulations to the following Year 6 students:
Riverside Primary School – Mia V D Z
Trevallyn Primary School = Charlotte G
West Launceston Primary School – Ezekiel C
Grade Assemblies were held on Tuesday, and we thank the parents/guardians who were able to attend these special occasions. Students were recognised for their outstanding academic performance and effort in the End of Year Reporting phase. Certificates of Outstanding Academic Achievement and Merit Certificates for Outstanding Effort were presented. Music performances at each of the assemblies showcased the talents of our students and we thank all performers.Given it’s the end of a school year we do have staff who will be leaving us. Karsha Barwick, Brett Mortimer, Kate Huddleston and Ava Wheatley will be taking up positions in other schools. Your dedication, passion, and unwavering support of Riverside High School is greatly appreciated by staff and students. On Friday we will recognise staff individually who are leaving and present them with a gift from our school community.
Thank You for Your Time at Riverside High School – Teaching Staff Farewells 2024
The Grade Leaders and Grade Leadership Teams play an important role in supporting students and communicating with parents/guardians. The Grade Leadership Teams for 2025 are as follows:
Ben Gadsby Assistant Principal Grade 7
Grade 7 – Kelly Greatbatch, Melissa de Jong, Sam Rainbird
Darren Hanson Assistant Principal Grade 8
Grade 8 – Adam Sanders AST, Karen Dudley AST
AST Jo Faulkner, Learning Support
Adrian Smith Assistant Principal Grade 9
Grade 9 – Emma Groves, Coleen Elliott AST
AST Kylie Jago, Instructional Coach
Rohan Pooley Assistant Principal Grade 10
Grade 10 – Sam Parry, Lillian Males AST
Adam Child AST 11/12
Thank you to all teaching staff for your care, dedication and passion for our school. We have a wonderful team of teachers, leaders and non-teaching staff who are fully committed to making a positive difference to the lives of our young people.
Have a wonderful Christmas and a safe and happy holiday!
Jeanna Bolton
Term 1 | Thursday, 6 February | to Friday, 11 April (All Grades) (Easter 18 April - 22 April) |
Term 2 | Monday, 28 April | to Friday, 4 July |
Term 3 | Monday, 21 July | to Friday, 26 September |
Term 4 | Monday, 13 October | to Thursday, 18 December |
Presentation Evening Award Recipients
Grade 7 Dux – Nina L
Grade 8 Dux – Millie G and Asya I
Grade 9 Dux – Ethan B-D
Presentation Evening sponsors for 2024
Riverside High School would like to acknowledge the following sponsors for 2024:
O'Shannessey Family | Fairmont Furniture | Kinetic |
Factory Blinds | Zart Art | Officeworks |
Winc | Rotary Club of West Tamar | Precision Tools |
Senator Helen Polley | Mr Peter Kearney | Lions Club Riverside |
Think Big Printing | Foot & Playsted Pty Ltd | West Tamar Council |
Hoo Hoo Club 239 | TerryWhite Chemmart Riverside | Riverside Neighbourhood Watch |
Barratts Music | Timberworld Pty Ltd | Treetec Tasmania |
Petrarchs | Ms Carolyn Cox | Rotary Club of Launceston West Inc |
RHS Association | Mr Adrian Stabb | Broomhall Family |
Mr Rob Fairs MP | Ampol | Link Technologies Tasmania |
Mr Geoff Lyons OAM JP | Mr Michael Ferguson MP | Mr Bill Lawson & Family |
Ms Bridget Archer MP | Lions Club City of Launceston Inc | Ms Michelle O’Byrne MP |
Ms Jo Palmer MLC | Zonta Club of Launceston Inc | Ms Janie Finlay MP |
University of Tasmania | Australian Defence Force | Bond Family |
Phil Hughes Office Solutions | Ms Cecily Rosol MP | Iris Computing |
BOC Limited | Dr. Jayanthi Maniam PhD | Ms Rebekah Pentland MP |
Department for Education, Children and Young People | Mr Simon Wood MP |
2024 Dux of Riverside High School – Hannah
The Dux of School is awarded to the Grade 10 student who has achieved the greatest academic success during the year. At the conclusion of our 2024 Presentation Evening, it was my pleasure to announce that the Dux of School for 2024 is one of our Peer Mentors, Hannah.
Hannah presented a beautiful and extremely moving speech which stressed her gratitude to her teachers, peers, parents and our school community and the tremendous sense of support which she has felt at Riverside High School.
I am delighted to include a transcript of Hannah’s powerful speech below.
Ms Jeanna Bolton
Good evening
It is such an honour to be standing before you today, my teachers, peers, friends and family, as the 2024 Dux of Riverside High School. I am so incredibly grateful to have this opportunity to speak with you tonight and I wish to offer my congratulations to all my peers who have also received an award.
I would like to begin by saying how appreciative I am of being presented this prestigious award. As I’m sure all of you sitting here would understand, having your efforts recognised is one of the most rewarding experiences. As a person who often underestimates their own abilities, having someone tell you that you truly deserve to be where you are, and take notice of all the effort that you put in, is one of the best feelings in the world. I hope the rest of you have experienced that tonight as well.
I am so grateful for everything that has led me to be standing here, and I think the most important factor is my own journey through Riverside High School. When I arrived here in Grade Seven, fresh from West Launceston Primary School, I wasn’t the same person I am today. I was less at home here, less social and less confident. In fact, in Grade 8, when I first sat in this audience, listening to the 2022 Dux deliver her speech, all I could think about was the fact that in two years, that could be me. That idea, and the thought of having to stand up in front of so many people and give a speech, freaked me out so much that I sat there panicking, trying to think of all the different ways I could make sure that it wasn’t me. Yet somehow, two years later, here I am. And yes, it is still terrifying. I’ve never done anything like this before. But I’m doing it anyway, and the confidence to do something even though it terrifies me is something that I have definitely gained throughout my time at Riverside High School.
These four years have taught me so much more than trigonometry or the steps of the cell cycle. Whilst such concepts are important, and I’m glad I learnt about them, I think it is the other lessons I’ve gained that will stay with me for life. Every opportunity that Riverside High School has given me has taught me something, whether it was better time management, or how to work together with new people. I have been extended outside of my comfort zone in so many ways, and this has brought with it many rewards.
One of the only opportunities I have not taken that this school so generously offered me is the chance to become a Prefect. It’s surprising really, because everything I had done all the way through my life would probably lead people to believe that becoming a Prefect was a goal of mine. I was a student leader in primary school, I have been a member of every Grade Council, and I was a Transition Mentor and even a chair monitor throughout Grade Nine. But ever since Grade Seven, I knew my goal was different. I wanted to be a Peer Mentor. I think that the Transition Program is one of the most important initiatives that our school implements. Having older students who you can ask for advice, rely on for support and even just talk to is so important for those just starting their journey at our school. As a Peer Mentor, I have learned a lot about what it takes to be both approachable and set a good example. This leads me to the fact that I think every one of my peers, whether they are a Prefect, Peer Mentor or neither has been a leader over their time at Riverside High School in their own way. However small their act of leadership, we are all just as important to this school’s community, and I feel so lucky to have been a part of this group of people. I am also truly grateful for all the lessons that I have learnt from my experiences in leadership. I think so many of these lessons closely align with our school’s Values, which are Responsibility, Courage, Growth, Respect and Connection, because so often for me, responsibility within a community is truly what has led me to grow and learn.
I haven’t learnt all this alone, however, and I would now like to take the time to sincerely thank everyone who has been with me on my journey, because every one of you has taught me so much.
To my friends, without whom this experience would have been so much less fun. We share such a strong bond, and every moment I am with you I can’t help but feel so thankful that I have found such wonderful people to share my high school experience with. We have created so many memories which I will always treasure, and I want you to know how much I love and appreciate all of you. The multitude of lessons you have taught me, from how much easier it is to make a decision when you make a pros and cons list, to the fact that sometimes the experiences that are scary are the experiences that are the most rewarding.
To my teachers, who have helped me along every step of my journey and without you I would not be standing here today. It is your support and your belief in me that encourages me to reach for the stars, no matter what I’m doing. Your passion for what you teach is so inspiring, and I think so many things that I enjoy come from being taught them by someone who truly cares and wants to help me learn. Every teacher I have encountered over my life has taught me something more than what was in the curriculum, from how to be more confident in sharing my opinions, to the importance of extending myself and learning new concepts just for the fun of it. I appreciate the time and effort you invest in my learning and wellbeing so much, and every extra moment you take to help me understand something, or even just to ask about my weekend or the book I’m reading doesn’t go unnoticed.
And finally, to my mum and dad. You have always been my biggest supporters in everything I do and have inspired me in so many ways. Whether it is with schoolwork or life decisions, you are always the first people that I turn to for support or guidance. That’s why it was so hard to keep this speech a secret from you. There were so many times I almost asked for advice about phrasing or went to tell you about the great idea I had for a paragraph. None of this would have been possible for me if you hadn’t been there for every step of my journey, and I am forever grateful that you are here alongside me to celebrate my successes, share my laughter and never forget to ask me how my day was. You have both taught me so much that I couldn’t even begin to write it all down, but just know that the person I am today is entirely because of you. Thank you so much for being the best parents that I could ever ask for.
My journey of learning and growing doesn’t end as I finish my time at Riverside High School. I know that the person that I have become will continue to change and grow as I leave behind what has now become familiar and comfortable and embark on a new chapter. I don’t yet know where my life will take me, a feeling I know many of my peers can relate to. The problem isn’t that there is nothing I enjoy or want to do, it’s just that I want to do everything. I enjoy Maths and Drama and English and Art, and so many more learning areas that all the choice can leave me feeling paralysed. But hey, that’s ok. You don’t have to have it all figured out just yet. Like I said, I’m not done changing or growing, and I know that if I keep aspiring to be my best and putting in the effort, I will be successful. I know that this is also true for all of you, whether you have it all figured out or not.
There is one final lesson I have learnt this year, which I would like to share with you all. As Emily Dickinson once said, ‘Forever is composed of now’s’. So don’t wait for the perfect moment and start your journey to whatever your goals may be with a ‘now’.
I want to finish this speech by again congratulating all of you who have received awards here tonight. It is such an incredible honour to be standing here addressing so many of my amazing, talented and wonderful peers, who have come along with me on this journey, and whom I have learnt so much from. I know that you will all go on to do amazing things and I wish you all the best for your futures.
Thank you.
Our final week with our Grade 10 students has highlighted the tremendous regard which this group has for one another and for our school. It has been an absolute privilege to spend this special time with our Graduands. It has also been an honour to watch our Grade 10 students grow into such wonderful young people and they have enriched our lives beyond measure. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our Graduands, once again, for the exceptional contribution which they have made to our school community and for their support, loyalty, and teamwork.
We are fully aware that the positive attributes and commitment to learning shown by our Graduands of 2024 are reflective of the guidance offered by their parents and guardians and, for this, we remain extremely grateful. We wish to thank all our Graduands’ families for allowing us to spend some precious time with your amazing young people and for entrusting them to our care.
As we said to our Graduands during their assembly, we look forward to hearing about all their successes and accomplishments of which, we are certain, there will be many, and we wish them a safe, happy and successful journey along life’s paths.
The Grade 10 Team
Grade 7 Endeavour Award
Layla B
Amelia F
Louis H
Yuxuan S
Millie V E
Ollie Y
Grade 7 Our Values Award
These students were consistency able to demonstrate all our school values.
Hamish B
Abbie Mc
Grace P
Hugo S
Sarah T
Grade 8 Endeavour Award
Rory C
Mia G
April L
Hayden L
Isabella S
Jake W
Grade 8 Our Values Award
Lilly B-H (Courage)
Isobel C (Growth)
Tyson D (Respect)
Breanna S (Responsibility)
Henry R (Connection)
Grade 9 Endeavour Award
Edie B
Amy L
Charlie S
Gregor T
Lucy W
William W
Grade 9 Our Values Award
James L (Courage)
Keelan O-Q (Growth)
James G (Respect)
Sherman L (Responsibility)
James W (Connection)
National F1 in Schools Final in Adelaide
This year Riverside High School had four teams compete at the National F1 in Schools Final in Adelaide. At the end of the competition, we had 3 teams who finished in the top 10 which was outstanding. The costs for us to be able to compete at such a high level are extensive, and without the support of many local Businesses, Industries and Organisations, then it would not be possible to achieve these amazing results, and for our students to experience the opportunities which come from this national event.
Riverside High would like to thank the following:
- Bell Bay Aluminium
- ACL Bearings
- Spectrum Car Paints
- Rare Earth
- Shaw Contracting
- Rotary Club of West Launceston
- Rare Innovations
- Newton and Henry Accountants
- Strawberry Communications
- Tas City Building
- Corvanta
- West Tamar Council
- Model Tek
- High Performance Coach
- Walker Designs
- Collective Consulting